I just don’t have the right words to share how beyond perfect this day was. I don’t know how to tell you, how crazy full our hearts were, so full they honestly felt like they would burst. So many emotions, so much larger-than-life love…we have never been happier. Couldn’t be, it isn’t possible. And not because everything was perfect in the ideal, normal way you would expect it, but because it wasn’t. At all. Seriously, southern California…we don’t have rain, especially not a rain storm. But we did and it was crazy. So crazy the power even went out during the reception, but I will get to that in a bit.
First, the couple..my first born and his new bride. I always knew I would be a blubbering emotional mess at my kid’s weddings. I have lots of practice of tearing up at weddings that aren’t even my own family! But then there it is, your child…who found the love of their life..who you have never ever ever seen more happy. I think it’s what all us parents aspire for, that our kids are happy, that they know God’s unconditional, giant, overflowing love for them and that they find love in life, feel it, know it..and he does. I really couldn’t be more happy, more proud of this amazing man he has become.
We had a rough start my husband and I. I was 18 and he was 20 and we had our first baby who was 3 weeks old at our wedding. And life was hard sometimes and the next 24 years weren’t all roses and unicorns but they were filled with so much love..so. much. love. And then I blinked and here we were about to walk the isle with our little baby, but this time at his own wedding. That’s what I was thinking when Tara took this picture, and it’s so precious to me because I know exactly what I was thinking, feeling and I feel it each time I look at this. It’s why I love photography so much, we get to feel it all again because the moment is frozen.
When my son was good friends with this beautiful girl, he insisted they were just friends for quite awhile. Later he would tell me because he thought she was completely out of his league. I thought that was adorable, and seeing how seriously amazing this girl is can see how he might think that, except that he is completely amazing too and just didn’t know. But I love this girl, because I think she helped him see himself through her eyes. And I just love them both so much.
What a lucky mom I am, he took me with him to look for her ring. When he found the one he wanted his face lit up light like a kid on Christmas morning. His smile so big the corners of his mouth could almost touch his ears. The prayer he spoke aloud while making the big decision brought me to tears. His love for her and desire for God’s will for their lives just melts me.
He bought these for her “something blue”…
Of course even though we went to plan B to have the ceremony inside, they were still up for some outside “first look” pictures. I love them. So put on my trusty mickey mouse poncho, grabbed us some groomsmen umbrella holders and we got ready to shoot. Oh did I mention how my wonderful and talented friends/photographers Megan Siana and Tara Sos shot my sons wedding? The best photographers ever, these shots are combination of theirs and just a few of mine. I got to help to when I wanted to. Because I did want to shoot a bit. 😉
I just love this capture of Kelley and her parents. As she walks off to her soon to be groom. They are the most amazing family we are so happy to now be a part of.
After their first dance, during dinner, the lights went out. Then came back on, then went out again. (Generator failed). It was pitch dark. But we had candle lights on the tables and cell phone lights. The mood was romantic and fun. No one cared. It was awesome. We didn’t worry about the rest of the night, just guessing it would all work out. After dinner, still no lights..but we had the video lights (thanks to their awesome videographer Nathan Tescon) and the DJ had about an hour of power in his equipment. So we danced. By video light. And cut cake, by video light. And threw the bouquet, yes by the two video lights we had. It was awesome.
Oh yeah, did I mention we did a choreographed mother-son dance? I shuffled, wobbled and robot danced with my boy and it was the most fun thing ever!
The lights came back on just before the day ended, and we ran outside to do one last romantic shot. In the rain. Couldn’t have been more perfect!
And in case you want to see a few more, here is their “highlights” slideshow.
A huge thanks to Megan and Tara for their talent, hard work and just being able to know that no matter what was thrown their way, I could a thousand percent trust them to capture my son’s day perfectly, imperfections and all! Love you guys!